Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Freiberg, Camping Hirzberg (ACSI2011-520)

Looking at the information leaflet for the campsite, I see that one of the places Kathleen would like to visit, Titisee, is “only” 29km (18 miles) away. The route appears to follow the river, so on the basis that following the river should be easy cycling, I convince Kathleen that we should go for it.

The river is flowing towards Freiberg, we are cycling away from Freiberg, which means we are going up hill, all of the time. I point out it will be downhill all of the way back.

It is absolutely beautiful as we cycle along.

There are no complaints. By Kirchzarten (about 7 miles), little mutterings are apparent, these are quietened with a Latte Mochiatta in a pavement cafe. We get to the 11 mile point (by which time we are going up hill quite steeply), before the mutterings turn to mutiny, and we decide to turn around and head back, stopping for our picnic as we roll downhill back towards Freiberg.

By the time we get back to Freiberg, we have done 21 miles, about 11 of it steadily uphill.

Not bad I think.

Kathleen is soon in the "recovery position", and all is well with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you two are having far too good a time!!!! Stop gloating so much!!! We are suitably jealous! LOL
    miss you loads
