Either the Red Wine is getting stronger, or, I am getting older.
Parque da Gale (contd) see www.parquedagale.com
This place has more going for it than we thought, shopping and eating places within walking distance,and places to cycle or walk, so, we decide to stay here at Parque Da Gale, for another day at least.
The other people here seem a friendly lot, three other Brit vans, one from Isle of Man, two French. The chap from the Isle of Man is ex-merchant navy, and is familiar with North Shields, South Shields, Sunderland etc, small world syndrome again.
It is a morning of chores, washing clothes etc.
Just before lunch, we set off on our bikes to explore.
We are (we think), about 7km West of Albufeira, 3km East of Armacao de Pera, and about 2km from the beach, which is a long sweeping area of clean sand, and virtually empty.
There is the inevitable Golf Complex, and bordering the beach is a nature reserve, with raised wooden walk-ways across to the beach and along

the coast. Unfortunately, you are not allowed to cycle along here, so, we have to walk.
The vegetation is, I think, some form of herb, you can smell the scent on the breeze, and I do recognise it, but, I cannot think what it is.
Old age!
This is more like what we enjoy doing, pleasant 8 mile cycle ride, not too strenuous, not a single word of complaint from the boss, so, I treat her to a beer.
I am just too generous.
In the evening, Kathleen treats me to a couple of Croft Brandies (and a couple of G&T's for herself of course), in the bar along the road from the Aire.
Tuesday 9th April 2013.
Kathleen does her bank account checking, online, she finds she has £50 less than she thought.
That will spoil her week!
No more "treats" for Ken, I fear.
Having cycled West, yesterday, today we decide to cycle east to Albefuira.
Kathleen obtains details of the route from another couple of Brits, who did the route yesterday.
The four mile route is easy going, and for all except about half a mile, is along a quiet small road, or, on designated Cycle Track.
Albefuira Marina area is initially attractive, but, the actual buildings are a bit shabby 1960's style.
We soon find a pleasant bar, overlooking the beach, and obtain refreshments of beer and cheese with toast.
This is clearly a "resort", the beer is double the price of the bar near the Aire where we are staying.
The beach is very pleasant, although, mostly empty!
The "old town" is quaint, but, overall, I would say, this is a resort which has seen better days and is now a little faded.
As we wander around, it begins to rain.
Now, I should explain, this should not be a problem. I am (usually) prepared for such eventualities.
I do this by the simple expedient of keeping my lightweight, waterproof cycle jacket in my backpack, and always ensuring I take my back pack with me.
At this point, Kathleen informs me, she had decided to "tidy up" my back pack and has removed my cycle jacket. Kathleen of course, has her cycle jacket with her, or rather, it is on my luggage rack, so I can can carry the extra weight.
Cycling back to the van, four miles, in the rain, in shorts and (short) shirt sleeves is not too pleasant!
At least Kathleen will not need to wash my shirt, it is thoroughly soaked.
As usually happens, no sooner are we back to the van than the rain stops, the sun reappears and it sunbathing weather again.
A quick note to Maria, just noticed your comment. Yes, we are getting the comments. Kathleen enjoyed Fatima very much. Hope it warms up for you back in the UK soon!