Showing posts with label Pont a Mousson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pont a Mousson. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 September 2019

To Eberbach, Germany

Friday, 6th September 2019

Another pleasant day is promised, but, today we are leaving Pont-a-Mousson, and heading for Germany.

A quick good bye, to our Dutch neighbours, who have been polite enough to barely mention Brexit, and, away we go, via Lidl, for wine.

Approximately 160 miles, mostly on free, excellent quality, but, very busy German Motorways.

Eberbach is approximately 20 miles upriver from Heidleburg, on the River Necker. Camping Eberbach (N49 27'38" E8 58'57"), is alongside the river, on the opposite bank to most of the town of Eberbach. It is an ACSI Site, 18Euro/night.

The church is located, ready for Sunday! 

Saturday, 7th September 2019

Camping Eberbach (N49 27'38" E8 58'57") contd...

A grey and cool day, with occasional light showers, only 15C, rather chilly.

Domestic chores, Kathleen interacts with the very bossy young lady in reception, to obtain the key to use the Washing Machines. That should be interesting, a referee will probably be required! 

But, I have no time to spectate, I have to assemble the clothes dryer, under the awning, out of the rain, ready for the wet clothes. 

Actually, the young lady in reception is not really bossy, more sort of straight talking and very efficient, in a German sort of way. They must often wonder, “how on earth did we manage to lose the war?”.

The rain does not appear to have deterred the rowers, why are practicing, up and down the river, followed by coaches giving instructions and encouragement(?) through megaphones. I always thought that rowing was a quintissentiually English pastime, but, it would appear to be something else we have in common with our German cousins.

Sunday, 8th September 2019

Camping Eberbach (N49 27'38" E8 58'57") contd...

Oh dear! It has poured with rain all night, and, it is forecast to continue for most of today, not very good, plus, we are parked on grass, at the bottom of a hill.

Kathleen does her church stuff.

I am delegated the task of searching out a suitable restaurant (with Italian food), for lunch, which I do, but, when El Jefe emerges from church, the mind has changed, and, no longer wants Italian Food, so, we go to a place which appears busy, with locals(?) and Kathleen risks a Vienna Schnitzel, which she very much enjoys.

We decline a 'sweet". and, instead, visit a nearby cake shop, for enormous and very tasty pieces of cake.

The rain comes and goes, all day.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Pont-a-Mousson (Aire) N48 54'4" E6 3'51" contd...

Tuesday, 3rd September 2019

A cool start to the day, 14C, autumn is approaching, but, by lunch time it was a very pleasant 23C.

Cycling in the morning, before the heat builds up, along the cycle route beside the River Moselle, toward Nancy, beyond where we went yesterday, for ten miles.

The cycle track is superb, good smooth tarmac most of the way, and, almost all traffic free.

It occurs to me that we have not seen any passing boat traffic, although the river and sections of canal are clearly meant for major size boats.

For example, we pass this super sized lock at one point.

No sooner have I had this thought, than a barge converted into a pleasure boat comes along. Banners on the sides tell us it is a "cycling cruise" whatever that may be?

We make it back to Pont-a-Mousson to enjoy a cold beer for me, and a shandy (Panache) for Kathleen.

The day is not all pleasure, I have run our of red wine, so, it is necessary to find a shop! Google to the rescue, tells us there is a Lidl 1.6km (1 mile) away. We walk there stock up with goodies, including red wine.

Wednesday, 4th September 2019

A repeat of yesterday, a cool start, 14C, but, by lunch time it was a very pleasant 23C.

Kathleen has a repeat of the "mysterious" tingling and skin blemishes on the legs. This first happened when we were visiting Rome, several years ago. No satisfactory explanation really? Is it the heat, is it walking? A day of rest and relaxation, I think, today.

We book in for another two days.

For me, a cycle ride to Lidl, for various essentials.

Reading the BBC news is depressing, the Brexit saga lumbers on, it looks as if we will be returning to a General Election. Our Dutch neighbours are politely mystified by UK's "goings on".

Thursday, 5th September 2019

A decidedly cool 15C start to the day, but, 20C, with sunshine, by lunch time.

We cycle 25 miles, there and back, along the Moselle, to the North, Pont-a-Mousson - Noveant-sur-Moselle.

A lunch stop, beer and the PMU Bar and chips from the Kebab shop, all paid for by Kathleen.

This latter point may require some clarification. This morning, before we set out, Kathleen was counting how many Euros she had left. Now, we have been in France for ten days, and, she started with 125Euro, this morning, she has 95Euro left, so, only 30Euro spent in tent days, no wonder she has money in the bank!

Monday, 2 September 2019

Camping Les Rives du Lac, (N48 18"10' E4 20" 16") at Geraudot,

Saturday, 31st August 2019

Camping Les Rives du Lac, contd...

Clear blue sky, 34C by lunch time.

Today, was planned as a "take it easy day", after yesterday's efforts, but, we went for a short cycle ride, along the VoieVelo, in the opposite direction to yesterday, and, ten miles later, at Radonvilliers, decided we should turn around and head back, so, twenty miles in total!

Sadly Kathleen's picnic organising skills are not as good as her cycling skills, and, in ten miles, we fail to spot a bar or shop, so, we have to wait until we get back to the van, for sustenance.

We have received the link for Bryan and Joans blog here, but, cannot add a comment for some reason! 

Sunday, 1st September 2019

Camping Les Rives du Lac, contd...

After the excellent weather we have had so far, a disappointing start to the day, a cool 18C, cloudy, with occasional showers.

The plan for today was to have an easy, relaxing day, after our two consecutive "20 miles" days. But, it is Sunday, so, Kathleen is determined to go to church (in Lusigny-sur-Barse). There is a church there, and, Kathleen's enquiries at the adjacent hairdressers, suggested there was a mass at 10:30, Sunday, either that, or, she has made a hair dressing appointment for then!

Well, after pedalling 6.5 miles, there is no Mass. All is not lost, the Carrefour is open, so, we are able to stock up on some essentials, ie wine.

Monday, 2nd September 2019

Leave Géraudot today, heading for Port Plaisance, Nancy48.6921, 6.19346a rather expensive Aire (25Euro/night) with reasonable reviews on Search for a Site website, roughly 125 miles.

On arrival, not impressed, scrappy appearance, some kind of trench digging in progress, alongside very busy road, all that for 17Euro/night, no thank you.

So, we pushed on to Pont-a-Mousson N48 54'4" E6 3'51", an Aire we have used before, some years ago.

Marked out bays. Divided into two sections (surprisingly, named section 1 and section 2),  water and electricity at each bay, good quality showers and toilets available 08:00-20:00 at the modern Capitainaire building, very pleasant Attendant, all for 10Euro/night.

Town approximately five minutes walk.

Once "settled in", Kathleen announces she would like to go for a short cycle ride, to

We end up doing just over 12 miles along an excellent cycle track alongside the River Moselle.

We spend the evening in the sun, drinking wine, it is a hard life. ;)

A slight puzzle, to me at least, is, why is it called "Pont-a-Mousson", true, there is a bridge (Pont), but, the River is the Moselle, so, why not "Pont-a-Moselle"?

Friday, 31 August 2012

Thursday 23rd August 2012 - Saturday 25th August 2012

To Charlesville de Meziers, an aire we have used before, a good spot, but the Aire is full.

We have to go to the adjacent Campsite (Camping Mount Olympus). 17Euro a night including electric hook up.

I must look up what this places claim to fame is, it really is rather grand. There is a statue of he founder (Charles of course), and the place was founded in 1625, but until we stumbled upon it during our wanderings in France, I had never heard of it.

We have a wander in the town and then settle into a pavement cafe in the main square for a glass or two of chilled vin rose.

The French know how to chill, their economy may be in trouble and the Euro teetering on the brink of collapse, but lunch must go on.

Amazingly we meet a Frenchman who we met here a couple of years ago. He lives nearby and seems to spend his time talking to visitors to practice his English, German, Dutch whatever.

Friday, a random choice from the “All the Aires France 3rd Edition” book, Dun sur Meuse.

It turns out to be a beautiful spot, on the banks of the River Meuse.

Space for about 20 vans, perhaps more, if you are brave enough to park right on the river’s edge and plug your electric hook up into the bollards on the floating jetty, meant for the boats!

Toilet, Shower and Electricity, for 7euro a night.

Plenty of walking and cycling along the banks of the Meuse and a pleasant village with shops.

We meet a pair of intrepid campervanners, originally from Yorkshire, but now, having sold their house, they spend their winters in Spain, and the summers roaming Europe. They have been to visit their family in the UK, and are now very slowly heading south.

Weather stays hot and sunny, but, with a rain shower in the evening.

Saturday 25/08/2012, we move on to another aire chosen from the “All the Aires France 3rd Edition” book, Pont a Mousson, enroute we find a Lidl, to replentish the Gin (Kathleen brought a half bottle with her, but it has all gone).

A marina with space for campervans, on the banks of the Moselle.

A five minute walk to town, 7Euro with Electricity, toilets and showers, although the toilets and showers are only open 8am to 8pm, so you have to regulate your bodily functions to suite!

Being the weekend, finding a church for Kathleen's mass is required.

We search out the church in Pont a Mousson, according to the noticeboard, there is no mass on Saturday, only 11:00am Sunday. It is resolved, we will have to stay until Monday. But, as we sit enjoying the sun, we hear the church bells ringing. Kathleen quickly gets ready, ie does her hair, and heads off to church. It turns out to be a wedding, but she stays anyway, so that is the church thing done.

It rains heavily overnight and Sunday, we wake to a cold cloudy day.

That decides us, we are off, into Germany.