The day starts bright but cool (14C), but, it is soon a bright and sunny, 24C.
The first priority is to get electric hook-up, our fridge can function on gas, but, not Kathleen;s hair dryer and straighteners.
Fortunately, a Dutch van departs, promptly, and, we are quick to move into their vacated spot and get ourselves plugged in.
Essentials, ie, hair care, accomplished, our thoughts turn to what to do today.

It started well, but, after about three miles, the track had become to narrow for Kathleen's taste.
We retraced our route, back to the campsite, and joined another cycle route I had noticed.
This took us past a large marina area and along the Canal Lateral de Loire, which we followed for about nine miles until we came to a place called Chevenon.
To all of you chaps out there, if you cycle or otherwise pass this way, you must have lunch in the bar restaurant at Chevenon, not only did we have an excellent lunch, including a litre of Rose, all for 10Euro, but, we were served by a waitress with the shortest skirt, highest heels and longest legs I have seen in a very long time. Even Kathleen was impressed.
The restaurant/bar is signposted from the canal path. The distance is given as a very optimistic 800 metres, and, no mention is made of the two hills en-route, but who cares?
We also met two English ladies, of a similar age to ourselves, who were spending their holiday cycling the canals of Burgundy. Would you believe, they came from South Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. A "small world" moment.
When ordering the wine, I did ask for "un demi", but, we received a full litre. Kathleen decreed we could not drink a litre of wine between us, at lunch time, and then cycle back along the canal, without serious risk of falling in. Solution, I emptied the water from my water bottle and filled it with half a litre of Rose, which we drank later, as we rode back to the van.