1st April 2013 – Friday 5th April 2013
It looks as if
it just might be a nice day in prospect, as we pack to leave. We are not taking
any chances, we intend to make our way to the Algarve to see if we can pick up
some sunshine.
An easy drive, just a
little rain, and we arrive at:
Orbitur Valverde (N37 5’59” W8 43’4”)
Orbitur site, to use our newly acquired Orbitur Discount Card.
The evening is spent in
finishing off my second last bottle of Rioja, and very nice it is too. In
between times, I burden Kathleen with an explanation of GPS, Satnav and how the
funny number labelled degrees, minutes and seconds can pinpoint your location.
She is not impressed.
2nd April 2013
It is still dry!
I unload our bicycles
from the bike carrier for the first time since we left home.
We cycle down (yes, downhill
too the village, which means uphill on the return of course) to the village of
Luz, about 2Km away.
I am not totally sure, but, I think this may be the Praia de Luz of the missing child Madelaine McCann.

Buy some Portuguese red
wine, which I am assured is good “Herdade dos Muachos”, from the Alentejano
region. Watch this space, it was more expensive than we usually pay, at
In the afternoon, back
at the site, we chat to our neighbour, who turns out to be a Brit.
Some people do amazing
things. He and his wife have sold up in the UK and are living in Portugal, in a
caravan, which they towed here from the UK. I am not sure if they have been on
this site for the whole six years, but, they are not going anywhere from here
soon, since they have sold the 4x4 which towed the caravan here and now have a
Portuguese registered Honda Civic, plus an impressive Honda motorcycle.
They have so far
returned to the UK once on the motorcycle, that is some ride!
The sun being out,
Kathleen spends the rest of day lying in it, then expresses surprise, no,
amazement that she is sunburned.
I see from my Emails, we
have passed Josie and Mack, who are going in the opposite direction. If you are
reading this Josie, sorry I have not replied to your Emails, I am receiving
Emails OK, but, having difficulty sending them. I have had this problem before,
but got around it by using “3”’s Email server. That is not working now, perhaps
because I am no longer with “3”. Have tried various other tricks, which have
worked in the past, eg changing Port numbers etc, but, to no avail.
Same apology goes to my
brother, Brian, if you are reading this, I have received your Email about
French SIM card, but, as explained above, having difficulty replying.
3rd April 2013. It
rains much of the night, but, it is
fine in the morning. We decide to go
to Lagos for the day. It is about 5km away, according to my free iPhone
Portugal Satnav app. The plan is to walk there and bus back. Sure enough, my
trusty iPhone guides us there without a problem. The “old” (ie original) part
of Lagos is very pleasant, lots of narrow and quaint streets with a good
selection of bars and cafes. There is even a Slave Market (now a museum of
course), so, I am unable to buy a replacement (for Kathleen).
There appears to be a
lot of Brits here, we seem to be surrounded by people speaking English. I had
not realised Portugal was such a popular destination for Brits.
No problem finding the bus station, to come back.
Someone had told us, bus
fares in Portugal are expensive, at 1.30Euro each for a 4km ride, it is true if
compared to France or Spain, but not compared to what we would have to pay in
the UK (if it wasn’t for our nice pensioners bus passes).
Thursday 4th April 2013. The weather forecast says today is to be pretty much like yesterday, it was exactly right. Overnight rain, a couple of heavy showers during the day, but, otherwise warm and sunny.
through the countryside on the way to Lagos, there are several Golf Course
developments, with associated housing etc
It is one hours walk to
Lagos, and that is where the nearest Catholic Church is.
Even for someone of
Kathleen’s commitment, that is a bit far to walk!
We have been told there
is an Aire in Lagos, “ten minutes walk from the town centre”, and we know there
are two churches near the town. The Aire is not in our edition of the “Aires in
Spain and Portugal”, so whilst we are in Lagos today, we check out the
whereabouts of the Aire.
5th April 2013.
We move to the Aire at Lagos (N37 06’ 01”, W8 43’ 07”), with the intention of
staying here so Kathleen can do the Church duty.

It is all very
tidy and organised, at 3Euro per night. A service point, free Wifi, toilets and
showers (2Euro) in the Sports Complex (ie Football Stadium), plus there are a
choice of Supermarkets (Pingo Doce, Lidl, Aldi and Continente) within walking
Saturday 6th April 2013.
We are woken by a noise at 07:00. No, for a change, it is not the rain. We discover there is a market on Saturdays, on the field next to the Aire. The stall holders have arrived en-masse and are busy erecting their stalls.
How we did not hear the fifty or so assorted "white vans" arrive I do not know.
The man arrives for his 3Euro, exactly as it says he will on the notice board.
The young French girl in the van which arrived next to us latish last night, argues the point, and storms across to the notice (I her payjamas), it is quite a chilly morning, quite a pleasant sight.
After breakfast, the market is in full swing, so we have a wonder. Typical market lots of tat, not expensive, but tat never the less.
Why do people do it?
I have to admit, the idea of markets is beyond me.
How can people in China make assorted clothes, which are then shipped half way around the world and sold for less than 1Euro?
Since hardly anyone is actually buying anything, why do the stall holders bother to get out of bed so early, assemble their stall, unpack their gear etc etc?
The only stall which appears to be doing a roaring trade is a young lady selling sort of do-nut things, she actually has a queue.