Showing posts with label Camping La Garenne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Camping La Garenne. Show all posts

Friday, 17 April 2015

Pujols, Camping Lot and Bastides, Eguzon-Chantome, Camping La Garenne, Marboue (April 10th - April 16th 2015 )

 Friday, 10th April 2015

It is "out of season" here, and, during our time here so far, there have been few people here, but, this morning, even some of them leave, and we are down to three vans!.

The weather forecast suggests today is going to be "changeable", so, we decide to visit St Liverade-sur-Lot, an eight mile ride along the back roads, on the scooter.

We discover, Friday is market day.

It is rather an amazing market, in terms of size, it seems to take up the whole town, we even have difficulty finding somewhere to park the scooter.

The market (other than it's size) turns out to be rather disappointing to Kathleen, most of the clothes on sale appear to be of the type favoured by muslim women!

The town too, is a disappointment, mostly in a run-down state, and, despite it's name, we do not find the River Lot!

All is not lost, we return to Villeneuve-sur-Lot, and Kathleen is able to do a "recce" of the available churches, so, this weekends church going is organised.

Saturday, 11th April 2015

The perils of cycling, my bicycle has a puncture.

I take the scooter and ride along the road to the Auchan supermarket along the road, where I am able to buy a replacement inner-tube.

The original punctured inner-tube is repaired and kept as a spare.

I do not know why I am rushing to do this, since, Kathleen has spent all morning "doing her hair", so, there is no way either a cycling helmet, or a motorcycle helmet is going on THAT head, today.

Sunday, 12th April 2015

Sunday, church day for Kathleen, whilst I have a wander around town and choose somewhere for Sunday Lunch.

It is not a difficult task to choose somewhere for lunch, there appears to be only two restaurants open on Sundays!

Fortunately, given the 50/50 choice, my choice turns out to be very good.

Cocktails, Lunch, Bottle of wine, then we wobble back to the campsite on our bicycles.

Monday, 13th April 2015

Another beautiful day, it seems a shame to leave!

The sun shines for the whole journey,  including our picnic lunch, in a very civilised aire on the A20.

We are heading 240 miles north, N21 and A20 to Eguzon-Chantome, Camping La Garenne, an ACSI site, owned and run by a Dutch young couple.

As you would expect, everything works!

The journey, if you really want to see it!

Pujols to Eguzon-Chantome Part 1 of 28

Part 2 of 28

Part 3 of 28

Part 4 of 28

Part 5 of 28Part 6 of 28Part 7 of 28Part 8 of 28Part 9 of 28Part 10 of 28Part 11 of 28Part 12 of 28Part 13 of 28Part 14 of 28Part 15 of 28Part 16 of 28Part 17 of 28Part 18 of 28Part 19 of 28Part 20 of 28Part 21 of 28Part 22 of 28Part 23 of 28Part 24 of 28Part 25 of 28Part 26 of 28Part 27 of 28Part 28 of 28

It is incomplete, because the SD Card became full!

The owner is really on the ball, when he sees we are towing a scooter on a trailer, he immediately offers us a map of interesting places to visit, on the scooter.

We arrive to a sweltering 24C, so not much to do until later in the afternoon, and then a stroll into the village, which appears to have quite a few restaurants, bars and, even a hotel.

In true French style however, it being Monday, only one bar was open, plus the Super-U supermarket!

The village of Eguzon-Chantome is not very big, just a few hundred houses, one supermarket, a church and a few shops.

Personally, I am not too keen on dwelling on the War (either WW1 or WW2), except to say, we do not want to see a repeat performance.

I certainly do not appreciate the sort of
"Biggles" jokes and anti German sentiment, which seem to be essential to many Brits.

But, I cannot help but notice the way in which the French honour their war dead, and the way we Brits do.

As I say, this is a tiny place, but, bang in the middle of the village, just outside the church, there is an immaculately kept war memorial. This is not unique, you will see similar in small towns and villages throughout France.

Tuesday, 14th April 2015

Straight after breakfast, I take a trip to the supermarket, on the scooter, much to my surprise, on my return, Kathleen is all kitted up, ready to go on the scooter, exploring the area.

So, using the map given to us by the campsite owner, we head off for Argenton-sur-Creuse.

This turns out to be a very pretty and incredibly lively small French town.

Kathleen then treats me to lunch, at one of

the cafes in the main square.

Sadly, because we are on the scooter, I cannot make full use of the drinks.

I am not sure what is going on, enthusiasm for riding on the scooter, buying my lunch, is there something I should know?

After lunch, we take the road to Gargilesse-Dampierre, which, we have been told, holds the accolade of being one of the (many) prettiest villages in France.

This turns into a real adventure.

After a few miles, we find the road to Gargilesse-Dampierre is closed for repairs.

In true French fashion, there is a large sign saying "Route Barre, Suivre Deviation", but, of course, no signs to indicate the Diversion!

We follow a likely looking road, which appears to be heading in the right general direction, but, after a few more miles, the tarmac runs out at the entrance to a farm.

We retrace our route, and start again, eventually,  following roller coaster of a road, with numerous twists and turns, success, we find Gargilesse-Dampierre.

Kathleen actually says she has enjoyed the ride on the scooter!

While strolling around the village, and having refreshments, we meet, two Dutch ladies, taking refreshment in a café.

Being a gentleman, I will not say elderly, but, I doubt they will see 60 again, who are walking the Pilgrim Route, from Holland to St Jacques Compestelle.

Now, we have driven to St Jacques Compestelle, it is a long way! We wish them "good luck" on their journey.

We are now on the "other side" of the river from the campsite, so, we head back to Eguzon, via the Barrage and Lac Eguzon.

Wednesday, 15th April 2015.

Wednesday, is Market day in Eguzon, so, off we go after breakfast.
It is a fairly tame affair, only six or seven stalls. Of these only one is selling clothes, and, they are all "granny" clothes. Now, Kathleen is a Grandmother, but, as she often says, "I don't want to look like a Granny".

 After lunch, I am amazed to find, Kathleen is all fired up to go out exploring, on the scooter, maybe, we are into reliving the 60's?

It is another scorching day, but, cool enough as we breeze along the country lanes.

I think the road repair gangs of France must have conspired to have a laugh at our expense, we encounter yet another "Route Barre, Suivre Deviation"!

This time, there are at least a few signs to give a clue which way to go.

At least we get to go the scenic route along the back roads, to Lac Eguzon.

Thursday, 16th April 2015

Just under 90 miles, and we arrive at an Aire, Marboue,  (N48 6.744' E1 19.722), a pleasant spot, about 25 miles south of Chartres. It has the usual Service point items, plus a well maintained toilet.

It is literally just off the N10, but, given how close it is to a major road, road noise is not a problem.

The whole journey, if you want to see some or all of it:

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 1 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 2 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 3 of 28
Eguzon to Marboue, Part 4 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 5 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 6 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 7 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 8 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 9 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 10 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 11 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 12 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 13 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 14 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 15 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 16 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 17 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 18 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 19 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 20 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 21 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 22 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 23 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 24 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 25 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 26 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 27 of 28

Eguzon to Marboue, Part 28 of 28