Showing posts with label Grantchester Caravan Site. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grantchester Caravan Site. Show all posts

Monday 4 February 2019

York, Grantchester Caravan Site

York, Skelton, Thursday 31/01/2019

A planned short trip on our wedding anniversary. It so happens, we have chosen a spell of bitterly cold weather, as I  type, it is -4C outside, cosy in here of course, with the heating on.

Our "usual" York stop over of choice (CAMC Rowntree Park), is fully booked, indicating we are not the only people "out and about" in caravans/motorhomes, in this freezing weather.

Instead, we select Grantchester Caravan Site, Skelton, N53 59'53" W1 8'14", a Camping and Caravan Club Certified Site. It is just off the A19, in the village of Skelton, about three miles from the centre of York. The  site is small, but has all of the necessary amenities (ie EHU, Showers, Toilets etc). Our first time here but, it appears to be perfectly fine.

We have the place to ourselves, until about 18:00, when another Motorhome arrives.

There is a fairly frequent bus service into York, and, a choice of cycle routes, not that I expect to coax Kathleen onto a bicycle in these temperatures!

It would appear that extreme weather on our wedding anniversary is not uncommon, just 2 or 3 years ago, en-route to Spain on our wedding anniversary, we spent the night in a carpark, when we found our planned Aire stop-over was flooded. At least Kathleen appears to see the funny side (so far).

York, Skelton Friday 01/02/2019

We wake to a light covering of snow, and, a balmy 0C.

Our late arriving neighbour has left.

Fortunately, the diesel powered heating in our Chausson is efficient, so, we are nice and comfortable, as we eat our breakfast, watching the snow fall steadily, and planning what we are going to do today.

I rather suspect a day cycling is not going to fly, Marks and Spencer's beckons I think, or should that be, I fear?

So, it transpires, No 30 bus into York, and, a fruitless trawl of M&S, Next etc.

The highlight of the day is lunch in Pret-a-Manger.

When we get off the bus, after our return journey, a pint in the Blacksmiths Arms, what a friendly and welcoming pub it is.

They have a roaring coal fire going. Central heating of course has the advantage that the whole house is warm, instead of one warm room and the rest of the house arctic, as was the case in my childhood.

But, it has to be said, there is little that can compete with toasting yourself infant of the fire, on a cold winters day!

Another three vans arrive between 17:00 - 18:00, so, now we are four.

York, Skelton, Saturday, 2nd February 2019

A bright and sunny morning, although it is only 3C. Snow still on the ground, but, no more appears to have fallen. According the the news, the rest of the country is cut off and in a state of paralysis, as is usual if more than three snowflakes fall.

We eventually venture out of our toasty warm van, to explore the Cycle Route to York (on foot, too cold and icy to risk our elderly bones on a bicycle). 

Very pleasant route, away from busy road (A19), well surfaced, and reasonably flat. We will be back, in more clement weather!

During our little "explore" we discover a more flexible route to/from York, on the bus. Rawcliffe Bar Park and Ride is about 20 minutes walk away, bus into York every 10 minutes. Even those with Age Concession Pass have to pay, but, it is only £1.10 return.

York, Skelton, Sunday, 3rd February 2019

A bright and sunny morning, although it is a crisp 2C.

Very pleasant walk to Rawcliffe Bar, then a bus into York.

Kathleen "does her church thing", whilst I have a hot chocolate and read the newspaper in Costa Coffee.

Back to Rawcliffe Bar, then a walk to the Blacksmiths for Sunday lunch. 

In fact, we spend most of the afternoon there, what a friendly pub it is. 

The locals keep Kathleen entertained with their wrangling about who won the charity raffle, and we have a FaceTime call with Salma after her Party for her Third Birthday.

We return to the Campsite to find the other vans have gone, we are alone again.

York, Skelton, 4th February 2019

Heavy overnight rain, we wake up to a tropical 5C, and, all of the snow has gone.

Off home, where, the snow is still on the ground.