Sunday 9 June 2024

Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty, N54 33' 35" W3 9' 22" contd.

Friday, 7th June 2024

Dry start, the first this week. Cloudy with sun, only 12c, and breezy.

We have a few birds on the feeders, my inexpert skills suggest a Robin, a few Blue-tits, Chaffinches, and, either a Tree-Creeper or a Nuthatch (they move too quickly to get a good look, but, I think it was a Nuthatch). So far, no sign of the squirrel, which Kathleen saw yesterday.

By the time I got the camera out, they had all flown off!, 

But, a bit of persistence produced a couple of shots, including a Pheasant which put in an appearance to clear up the spillages, although nothing exciting,

so far, the Tree Creeper / Nuthatches have not re-appeared.


Saturday, 8th June 2024

Home, via A66 route, not my favourite way to go.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty, N54 33' 35" W3 9' 22" contd.

Wednesday, 5th June 2024

Brilliant sunshine, when we woke up, followed, within ten minutes by hail stones! I must check the date, is June isn't it, not November?

The forecast says sunshine and showers, the showers are said to be expected at 11:00.

We set off at 10:00, to walk along the lakeshore to Keswick.

It is dull and windy, with occasional bursts of quite warm sunshine.

Despite the forecast, no rain appears.

We encounter a surprising number of walkers, considering the dismal weather, but, for some

reason, they all appear to be going in the opposite direction to us.

As you can see, Kathleen is dressed for winter!

It is a pleasant walk, despite the weather. We have walked this route many times, and, Kathleen is able to recall various landmarks and points of interest, as we go. This is re-assuing for her, given the circumstances.

We reach Portinscale, by 11:30, without being soaked, a toilet stop and coffee are required.

The original plan was lunch in Keswick, but, we cannot resist what look like very appertising Cumberland Sausage sandwiches, at least they are encased in "healthy" seeded wholemeal buns!

On to Keswick, for a little more nostalgia, Bryson's Cake Shop, and, various pubs we have visited in the past. The sun even makes a brief appearance. 

Then, past Lakeside House and Hope Park, and to the lakeside where the launches arrive and depart.

An expensive decision at this point, I decide, in the interests of more nostalgia,  that we will return, as near as possible to Manesty (which turns out to be High Brindlehowe) on the launch.

There is a launch due to depart in about 10 minutes, so, I go to the ticket office and purchase two tickets. £27.50! The Lake is only 4 miles long for goodness sake, how can they possibly justify £13.75 each (and, they are "concession" prices!).

To make matter s worse, it begins to rain heavily as we wait for the launch to arrive, and, there is no shelter.

There are a surprising number of passengers, both getting off, and getting on again, given the rip-off fares.

Soon we are in the warm and dry cabin, and, on our way, first to Lodore, then to Brindlehowe.

After the launch, another short walk along the lakeside, when, yes, it begins to rain again.

We arrive back "home" not too wet, having walked a total of 6.8 miles today.

The verdict is a very enjoyable day, despite the weather and, the expensive ride in the launch.

Thursday, 6th June 2024

Lots of overnight rain, but, this morning, we have sun and a little bit of cloud, not hot, only 12c.

Kathleen has some excitement this morning, which I miss because I am busy doing chores). There is a squirrel feeder near our pitch, about two metres away. This morning, it is visited by a red squirrel which calmly sits and demolished the entire contents of hazel nuts, as kathleen watches.

Today's activity is to walk to Keswick, this time, along the minor road along the Cat Bells side of Derwent Water.

This turns out to be more strenuous than the

lakeside route, much more up and down, and, surprisingly, little or nothing shorter, in terms of distance.

The road is quiet enough, very little traffic.

 We do learn that there is a bus travels this way (77A), because it passes us as we walk, so, that will be useful for later. 

A coffee (and toilet) stop (but, no snacks) at Portinscale, then on to Keswick.

A little shopping in Booths Supermarket. We

cannot get any hazel nuts, but, settle for bird food, to see if we can attract the squirrel back, or, at least, some bird activity.

Check bus times, for our return journey.

Lunch in the Dog and Gun. 

We meet up with a very talkative retired librarian. She is visiting from Doncaster, alone, and, attending a "Literary Festival" (very appropriate for a retired Librarian, I thought). Quite a pleasant an interesting lady, rather lonely I suspect, and, boy can she talk!

Coffee and cake at Bryson's.

We take the 77A bus, from the bus station. The driver kindly drops us right at the entrance to the campsite. For future reference, this may be an interesting bus ride for a future visit, it goes to Buttermere, via Honister Pass.

We arrive back, without having even felt a drop of rain, the first day we have not had a soaking!

We put some of our birdseed on the squirrel feeder, and, some on a nearby bird table. So far, no squirrels, but, we do have a few blue tits, and, much to Kathleen's annoyance, a very persistent wood pigeon. 


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty, N54 33' 35" W3 9' 22"

 Monday 3rd June 2024

My original little plan was a surprise visit to Windsor, for Gary and Gabriel's birthday, but, that was scuppered by the ex-wife, who, at the last moment, informed me that she was visiting Windsor.

At the point, the weather forecast for the week was very promising, even talk of a "heat wave". I quickly scratched around to see what availability there was, preferred choice was Braithewaite, but, the was full, so, Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty. to the rescue.

Needless to say, as soon as I had booked and paid the deposit, the weather forecast was revised to "a cold blast of air from the arctic, to bring cool and wet conditions".

Leaving home, it was sunny and dry, for the relatively short journey to Cumbria.

By the time we arrived, grey skies and light drizzle, typical Lake District weather.

In the time we have, an exploratory walk around our surroundings, lots of complaining because the chosen path is boggy in places, hardly surprising given the months of wet weather we have had. 

Tuesday 4th June 2024

We wake to rain!

The rain lasts until lunch time, by which time, the temperature has reached a dizzying 15C, and, the rain stops. 

The forecast says that is it for the day, dry and breezy afternoon ahead.

Accordingly, we set off for a walk (fortunately, wearing waterproofs, just in case). 

The plan is a little circuit, from the site, to the Lake (Derwentwater), then, across the boardwalk over the boggy section at the end of the Lake, turn right and walk past the

Borrowdale Hotel, on to Grange, then, back to the site. about 3 miles.

About 1-1.5 miles in, the heavens opened and we get "Lake District Rain" for the rest of the way.

Even with waterproofs, we are soaked.

To my amazement, no complaints, from my fellow walker!

This is the Lake District in early June.

I suppose you cannot have all of these rivers, lakes and greenery without a lot of rain, but, why does it have to be when we are out walking?

Back at the van, the wet clothes are hung in the shower cubicle to dry.

Hair drier is out, to "rescue" the hair (Kathleen), and all is well.

In the evening, we are treated to a couple of hours of sunshine.


Wednesday 8 May 2024

Waterpump CL - Badingham - Woodbridge - Suffolk - contd

Sunday, 5th May 2024

Another good day, weatherise, sunny and warm 20c.

After yesterdays bicycle ride, Kathleen is not up for more cycling today.

We take a short stroll (just over two miles) around the village of Badingham, and, very nice it is too.

The village church (St John the Baptist), all very well kept.

We also encounter a place called "the Carters Loft", which appears to have once been a work shop or storage area, with a living space above.

There is no information board, but, I assume that "Carter" refers to the trade of making or driving carts, rather than the family name.

An odd feature is this statue/bust which is set in the corner of the upper story. It appears to be a man in military uniform, interesting story there no doubt, but, I don't know what it is.

Further research, ie Google, reveals that the property is a holiday let: Carters Loft, Badingham.

We again give some custom to The White Horse.

Monday, 6th May 2024

The weather forecast suggests that rain is likely, but, the reality is sunshine and 20c.

The cycling equipment. is still declared to be "tender", so, we make up a walk, around the local lanes, and paths.

We encounter this rather imposing house, the name board declares it to to be "The Old Rectory", it is just waiting for Mr Darcy to ride up the drive.

Eventually, as planned, we arrive back at Badingham, and find this rather oddly names place.

Not a word I have come across before, pightle, Goole says:

"Noun. pightle (plural pightles) (archaic, dialect) A small piece of enclosed land, often by a hedge. Some authorities also indicate that a pightle tends to be associated with a house or messuage."

Which just leads me to another word I have never heard of!, ie messuage, about which Google says: noun. A house together with its land and outbuildings. The formal definition of a plot of land and all associated buildings and outbuildings is messuage.

Lunch at the White Horse, and, very nice it is too.

Tuesday, 7th May 2024.

 Home again


Sunday 5 May 2024

Waterpump CL - Badingham - Woodbridge - Suffolk - contd

 Thursday 2nd May 2024

A glorious day (long time since I said that), 21c, sunshine all day.

After yesterday's exertions, we sat in the sun and did absolutely nothing!

Friday 3rd May 2024

Well, that was bad planning!, we wake up to heavy rain, which the forecast says is going to last until 19:00, so, it looks like no cycling (or any outdoor activity) today.

Saturday, 4th May 2024

Back to fine weather, a gentle breeze, sunshine and 17c.

We have not ridden our bicycles for over six months, a combination of poor weather, and some health problems.

Today is the day to change all that, we start with a gentle peddle around the quiet lanes of Badingham Village, then, head for Framlingham.

A very pleasant lunch in Framlingham.

A total of just over 12 miles, perhaps a little ambitious for a first outing, there is some complaining about "lack of padding" from Kathleen.

But, after "refreshments" at The White Horse, Badingham, our spirits are restored

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Waterpump CL - Badingham - Woodbridge - Suffolk

 Tuesday, 30th April 2024

Usual before photograph of our garden, but I am not anticipating that any "looking after" will be required, given the appalling weather we have been having, no warmth, no sunshine, nothing growing.

Off to an early start, at 07:00.

Drive for two hours / 100 miles approximately, and stop for breakfast (Ferrybridge Services).

The plan is another 100 miles / two hours and stop for lunch. This goes a little wrong, by the time we are due to. stop, we are on the A14. For well over twenty miles, every lay-by is closed for some reason.

Eventually, lunch is consumed in a grubby lay-by about 8 miles from Bury St Edmunds, not very quiet, or, scenic, but, at least. we ate!

Most of the route thus far has been motorway, or, good fast dual carriageway, and, traffic has been light, the usual problems with road works of course. 

WaterpumpCL initial impressions are very favourable, well organised, clean, tidy, as is so often the case with CLs the owner is not immediately unhand, but, there is a blackboard, with our names on it, showing us which pitch we are allocated, and, everything (water, EHU etc) is readily available, so, no problem. 

The owner (Sarah) came along in the evening to make sure all is well, and pass on useful local information, like, the route to the nearest pub. 

Wednesday 1st May 2024.

What an amazing nights sleep!, totally silent, and, with no street lights, really dark.

Much to my surprise, it is not raining, sunshine and 17c, almost tropical compared to what we have enjoyed(?) for the past few months.

The owner (Sarah) has provided maps of local walks, we decide to walk to Framlingham. the route is "cross country" mostly avoiding the road.

The plan is is walk there (4 miles approximately), explore, eat, and taxi or bus back.

There is plenty of evidence of recent rainfall, as the footpath sign, only just showing above the water shows, but, the actual path is generally dry, although, the grass is wet, and, some small muddy areas.

The path is reasonably clear to follow.

I detect Kathleen is not enjoying the walk, not sure if it because I have the instructions, so, I am "in charge", or, the fact that she has managed to get mud on her shoes.

The route brings us onto the B1120, eventually, Kathleen is happier once we are in "civilisation" so, instead of following the remains "across fields" route, we continue on the B1120, which is relatively traffic free, and, then, on a smaller lane.

Part of the reason for walking today is to "research" the local roads and lanes for future cycling outings. Based on what we have seen so far, Cycling looks like "a good idea".

There are certainly some very attractive properties here.

We arrive in Framlingham after approximately 4 miles of walking, more tired than we would expect, we are clearly no longer as fit as we used to be, due, in part no doubt, to our enforced "lay off".

A quick coffee to rejuvenate ourselves, then, we search out somewhere to eat,

The Crown Hotel provides a very pleasant lunch, in a very warm and sunny beer garden.

Suitably fed and watered (OK, OK wined and J2Od) we give some thought to getting back to Waterpump CL.

We actually find a bus stop, but, the next bus is not due for 3 hours!

Google provides two local taxi firms, but, neither have drivers available within an hour. Even Uber cannot provide a taxi.

So, we walk back, this time via the road (B1120) to arrive, a little exhausted, but, in one piece.

This means I have "over done it" today, but, to my surprise, left leg (which was the injured one) is fine, but, right knee is complaining! the perils of age!

Thursday 14 September 2023

Sky Barn Farm CL, Haddington, Lincolnshire, LN5 9FL; 53.166853 -0.637868

Wednesday, 13th September 2023

A much cooler day today, more in line with "normal" September weather, sunny, with cloud, 18c.

After much pondering of 'is it worth unloading bikes, for one day', we decide not to bother, and, instead,  to take the walk across the fields to "The Royal Oak", in Aubron.

The lady who owns the CL is very organised, and, we are told there are detailed instructions of the route, in the Information Hut.

She is not kidding! It is the neatest and most organised Information Hut we have ever seen.

There are neatly arranged DVDs to borrow, Books, again, neatly arranged, to borrow.

Sure enough, middle shelf, righthand side, there are homemade leaflets, with the route across the fields, clearly marked out, including tips on. what wildlife you may see, at different points (Hares, Deer, Partridge etc).

Unfortunately, we don't spot any wildlife, but, we do find the pub (The Royal Oak) without difficulty, and, have an excellent lunch.

Thursday, 14th September 2023

Dull, cloudy, but mild 17c. Is summer over?

A bit of drizzle during the last bits of packing, just to make life more interesting.

To home, roughly 150 miles. The road works at Darrington were flowing freely, but, an accident near Wetherby had all three lanes of the A!(M) at a standstill. 

We came to a halt just at an exit, took a chance and followed several truckers who seemed to know a way around it, sure enough, A168 took us past the hold-up

So home again. Steve (neighbour) has cut the lawn for me, so, one job less to do.