Sunday 9 June 2024

Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty, N54 33' 35" W3 9' 22" contd.

Friday, 7th June 2024

Dry start, the first this week. Cloudy with sun, only 12c, and breezy.

We have a few birds on the feeders, my inexpert skills suggest a Robin, a few Blue-tits, Chaffinches, and, either a Tree-Creeper or a Nuthatch (they move too quickly to get a good look, but, I think it was a Nuthatch). So far, no sign of the squirrel, which Kathleen saw yesterday.

By the time I got the camera out, they had all flown off!, 

But, a bit of persistence produced a couple of shots, including a Pheasant which put in an appearance to clear up the spillages, although nothing exciting,

so far, the Tree Creeper / Nuthatches have not re-appeared.


Saturday, 8th June 2024

Home, via A66 route, not my favourite way to go.

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