Tuesday 4 June 2024

Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty, N54 33' 35" W3 9' 22"

 Monday 3rd June 2024

My original little plan was a surprise visit to Windsor, for Gary and Gabriel's birthday, but, that was scuppered by the ex-wife, who, at the last moment, informed me that she was visiting Windsor.

At the point, the weather forecast for the week was very promising, even talk of a "heat wave". I quickly scratched around to see what availability there was, preferred choice was Braithewaite, but, the was full, so, Borrowdale CAMC Site, Manesty. to the rescue.

Needless to say, as soon as I had booked and paid the deposit, the weather forecast was revised to "a cold blast of air from the arctic, to bring cool and wet conditions".

Leaving home, it was sunny and dry, for the relatively short journey to Cumbria.

By the time we arrived, grey skies and light drizzle, typical Lake District weather.

In the time we have, an exploratory walk around our surroundings, lots of complaining because the chosen path is boggy in places, hardly surprising given the months of wet weather we have had. 

Tuesday 4th June 2024

We wake to rain!

The rain lasts until lunch time, by which time, the temperature has reached a dizzying 15C, and, the rain stops. 

The forecast says that is it for the day, dry and breezy afternoon ahead.

Accordingly, we set off for a walk (fortunately, wearing waterproofs, just in case). 

The plan is a little circuit, from the site, to the Lake (Derwentwater), then, across the boardwalk over the boggy section at the end of the Lake, turn right and walk past the

Borrowdale Hotel, on to Grange, then, back to the site. about 3 miles.

About 1-1.5 miles in, the heavens opened and we get "Lake District Rain" for the rest of the way.

Even with waterproofs, we are soaked.

To my amazement, no complaints, from my fellow walker!

This is the Lake District in early June.

I suppose you cannot have all of these rivers, lakes and greenery without a lot of rain, but, why does it have to be when we are out walking?

Back at the van, the wet clothes are hung in the shower cubicle to dry.

Hair drier is out, to "rescue" the hair (Kathleen), and all is well.

In the evening, we are treated to a couple of hours of sunshine.


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