Wednesday 1 May 2024

Waterpump CL - Badingham - Woodbridge - Suffolk

 Tuesday, 30th April 2024

Usual before photograph of our garden, but I am not anticipating that any "looking after" will be required, given the appalling weather we have been having, no warmth, no sunshine, nothing growing.

Off to an early start, at 07:00.

Drive for two hours / 100 miles approximately, and stop for breakfast (Ferrybridge Services).

The plan is another 100 miles / two hours and stop for lunch. This goes a little wrong, by the time we are due to. stop, we are on the A14. For well over twenty miles, every lay-by is closed for some reason.

Eventually, lunch is consumed in a grubby lay-by about 8 miles from Bury St Edmunds, not very quiet, or, scenic, but, at least. we ate!

Most of the route thus far has been motorway, or, good fast dual carriageway, and, traffic has been light, the usual problems with road works of course. 

WaterpumpCL initial impressions are very favourable, well organised, clean, tidy, as is so often the case with CLs the owner is not immediately unhand, but, there is a blackboard, with our names on it, showing us which pitch we are allocated, and, everything (water, EHU etc) is readily available, so, no problem. 

The owner (Sarah) came along in the evening to make sure all is well, and pass on useful local information, like, the route to the nearest pub. 

Wednesday 1st May 2024.

What an amazing nights sleep!, totally silent, and, with no street lights, really dark.

Much to my surprise, it is not raining, sunshine and 17c, almost tropical compared to what we have enjoyed(?) for the past few months.

The owner (Sarah) has provided maps of local walks, we decide to walk to Framlingham. the route is "cross country" mostly avoiding the road.

The plan is is walk there (4 miles approximately), explore, eat, and taxi or bus back.

There is plenty of evidence of recent rainfall, as the footpath sign, only just showing above the water shows, but, the actual path is generally dry, although, the grass is wet, and, some small muddy areas.

The path is reasonably clear to follow.

I detect Kathleen is not enjoying the walk, not sure if it because I have the instructions, so, I am "in charge", or, the fact that she has managed to get mud on her shoes.

The route brings us onto the B1120, eventually, Kathleen is happier once we are in "civilisation" so, instead of following the remains "across fields" route, we continue on the B1120, which is relatively traffic free, and, then, on a smaller lane.

Part of the reason for walking today is to "research" the local roads and lanes for future cycling outings. Based on what we have seen so far, Cycling looks like "a good idea".

There are certainly some very attractive properties here.

We arrive in Framlingham after approximately 4 miles of walking, more tired than we would expect, we are clearly no longer as fit as we used to be, due, in part no doubt, to our enforced "lay off".

A quick coffee to rejuvenate ourselves, then, we search out somewhere to eat,

The Crown Hotel provides a very pleasant lunch, in a very warm and sunny beer garden.

Suitably fed and watered (OK, OK wined and J2Od) we give some thought to getting back to Waterpump CL.

We actually find a bus stop, but, the next bus is not due for 3 hours!

Google provides two local taxi firms, but, neither have drivers available within an hour. Even Uber cannot provide a taxi.

So, we walk back, this time via the road (B1120) to arrive, a little exhausted, but, in one piece.

This means I have "over done it" today, but, to my surprise, left leg (which was the injured one) is fine, but, right knee is complaining! the perils of age!

1 comment:

  1. Good start to your latest venture Ken. I'm guessing that today (Thursday) will be spent recuperating after Wednesdays exertions! Take care. Bill
