Wednesday, 28 April 2010

April 27th 2010

Playa Tropicana – Alcossebre (Castellon) – ACSI2010-1559, continued

The last Asda teabag was used last night, so far there have been three mentions of how crap the French bought Lipton teabags are, otherwise not a word of complaint.

I always fall prey to insect bites, and given that the weather has now warmed up nicely, there is no shortage of biting insects. Kathleen has been coating herself in "Avon Skin so Soft", which, we have been told in the past is an effective insect repellent, although it is not intended as such. Apparently even soldiers use the stuff, when they are in tropical climates, it is so effective.

It is doubly effective for Kathleen, since I am usually somewhere near to her, and not coated in "Skin so Soft" (because she hides it away for herself), so the insects feast on me and not her. To add to the problem, we have an ultra-violet insect killer (which I might say is not terribly effective). It it re-chargable, but during one of her "tidying up" exercises (for which read, move things from where I put them, to somewhere else), the charger has been moved, and now, despite the fact it is somewhere in the van, we cannot find it. 

After yesterdays exertions, I do not think we will be doing anything too energetic today.

Today is hairdressing day, ie the full works, washing, drying straightening etc etc.

We walk to the supermarket, yes, you guessed it, because the cycle helmet will mess up the hair.

Then we lie about in the sun.

I summon the energy for a half hour cycle ride along the coast, then we play badmington for a little while, but it is too hot for serious exertion. Perhaps a game of boules after tea might be an idea.

Excitement extends to watching a giant grasshopper as it climbs about in the hedge alongside our pitch.

Our English neighbours are gearing up to leave. They have not been unfriendly, simply reserved, and have (as they say) kept themselves to themselves. Kathleen had observed, to me, that they must have been away from home for some time, since they are well sun tanned (particularly the wife of the pair). Well, seeing that they were packing to go Kathleen made a special effort to talk to them (and of course extract as much information as possible). I was away washing the dishes, but joined in the conversation, briefly, as I walked past with the (washed) dishes. During this brief chat I noted the reason for the wife's "good tan", was that she was in fact brown skinned. I wandered back to the van to put away the dishes, having decided to mention to Kathleen (on her return), the reason for the tan. Too late, on her return, Kathleen told me she had committed the faux-pas of saying "you must have been away from the UK for a long time, you have a great sun tan", a special McCaffery moment, don't you agree?

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