Sunday 8 March 2020

Benicassim, Bonterra Park - 06/03/2020

Friday, 6th March 2020

Cooler today, only 19C, and, rather windy.

Strolling through Benicassim, town centre, and, we meet up with a couple (John & Carol Walley), we last saw, here, three years ago. It would appear we have more chance of meeting people we know, here in Benicassim, Spain, than we do in Newcastle!

After Kathleen pestering the staff in Reception, to have a better pitch, they came up with a list of five or six options today, decisions, decisions. We obviously dithered too long, since our first choice (coincidentally, next to John and Carol!), had been bagged by a German couple (our neighbours!), but, our second choice will do nicely. Move on Sunday, if all goes according to plan.

Saturday, 7th March 2020

Another cooler day, at 19C, but, not quite as windy.

We spend the day, doing the boring, but necessary, domestic chores, ie washing clothes, tidying van etc.

Sunday, 8th March 2020

A very pleasant day, clear blue sky, calm, and 20C.

Kathleen is up with the larks, well, 08:00, to go to church, in Benicassim.

We move pitch today, to a larger, more level, and sunnier spot.

Once the van is moved and everything sorted, we cycle to Orpesa and back (just over 11 miles). Very pleasant, except, being Sunday, and, a nice day, it is rather busy.

Then, a bit of sitting in the sun reading, and, being entertained by a group of people at our neighbours pitch, who are having a leaving party, or, as it is generally know here, a sod-ff party.

1 comment:

  1. All that time prepping her hair....and she has to hide it under a hat?
